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From Sister Val...

Dear Friends,

Sometimes it seems like everywhere I go, there are loud, urgent messages blaring at me. I’m sure you feel this way too: the news, the ads, family members, other drivers on the road, coworkers and friends, all of them present me with question after question, crisis upon crisis that I’m sure I don’t fully understand. Then I’m not sure what I should think or do to help. 


When I first came to Emmaus Ministries, I often felt very much the same way. The soup kitchen, especially, could be overwhelming: always full of people who

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Sister Valerie Luckey, Director of Emmaus,

with Soup Kitchen Founding Mother, Sister Mary Lou Kownacki

were struggling hard to get through another day in their complicated, challenging lives. Tempers sometimes flared; voices were sometimes raised; people sometimes sat completely slumped over, exhausted or tearful, and I wouldn’t know what to say.

But without fail, I would look across that crowded room and spot Sister Mary Miller, then the Director of Emmaus, sitting across from a guest. Her chin resting on her clasped hands, elbows on the table, leaning in to make sure she caught every word, she would be listening intently to this person’s story. Not trying to problem-solve, not trying to find blame, just listening. With total focus. Her ability to listen was unmatched, and I learned from her that the most important thing we have to offer is not our money, not our food, but our time and attention. She taught me and countless volunteers and staff to sit down, be quiet, and really listen to the guests.

Our founding mother, Sister Mary Lou Kownacki, wrote, “There isn’t anyone you couldn’t love, once you’ve heard their story.” Emmaus is a place where people whose stories are rarely heard are listened to and loved, a place where the pure compassion that comes from understanding can replace assumptions and judgements.

In this issue of The Companion, we invite you to pull up a seat at the Emmaus tables, and to listen, as the Rule of Benedict encourages, with “the ear of your heart,” to the stories that our community members have to share. Let these stories lead you to greater love at a time when love is what the world most needs.


In peace,

Sister Val



**To read the most recent issue of The Companion, head over to the Newsletter page.



A presence for the poor in Erie since 1974

©2023 by Emmaus Ministries, Inc..

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